resting up

Rudy is sound asleep.  Poor guy has had a hard time finding a comfortable position the last few days. I hope he takes advantage of today, since I go back to work. I am so grateful that I was able to take a week off of work to be with Rudy during this time.  It’s probably not the smartest financial decision but it’s the smarted decision I could have made for my big goofy. He looks at me with those amber eyes and I can see in his soul that he’s thankful that I’ve been here helping him adjust to this new life. This past week I don’t think I’ve slept thought the night once since his surgery, but neither has he.

Today is Rudy’s day to recharge.  He’s getting so good on his three legs! He’s such a champ on the stairs and I was so worried about that silly stairs. Food is still kinda a challenge, but I know that will change. Lots of love and attention seems to go a long way. I’m so proud at how far my Rudy’s come in this short time:)

Have a good day!
